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I have had the opportunity to work  on an array  projects that have pushed my intellectual capabilities. These projects have not only been challenging but rewarding. Here, I would like to present three bodies of work that encompass the breadth of my knowledge.

AT&T-Time Warner's HBO Max - Expanding Operations in Norway

Global Business Plan

This is my independent global business plan created for my senior Capstone course; Global Environment of Business.  This project is broken into three sections; planning, organizing, & implementing looks at the feasibility of an expansion. Findings conclude HBO Max's launch into Norway would be successful. The company would be able to capitalize on a pre-existing market as well increase viewer engagement.

HBO Max Logo 2.jpg

Observing Relationship Between Interest Rates & US. Housing Market

Intro to Econometrics

This project observes the relation between interest rates and the US Housing Market. Findings conclude that indeed both interest rates and home prices are statistically significant. Statistics calculated on Stata.

City Skyline

Stock Analysis


In this project each team member was assigned a stock. I conducted analysis for Square Inc. All stocks are bench-marked with the S&P 500 to gauge performance. All statistics calculated in excel.

Wall Street Sign
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